Norwich: The 28-year-old cat is no longer in this world.

Norwich: The 28-year-old cat is no longer in this world.
The owner of this oldest cat, named Lila Brissett, says that her cat was 28 years old and was born in 1995. This cat was found dead in her owner’s home.
Read More: A live baamfish was removed from a man’s stomach.
The name of this cat was Rosie; this cat holds the unofficial title of the world’s oldest cat, as her daughter Flossie is 26 years old.
When Lila Brissett adopted Rosie, a cat at that time she was a kitten, and in June this year, she was turned into 33. She was not well, and one day she was walking into the hallway of the house and lay down and passed away. Lila says I miss her so much.