Stunning blue ants discovered in India

Stunning blue ants discovered in India
Image Credits: Sahanashree R

Stunning blue ants discovered in India, Indian scientists found a new species of ant in Arunachal Pradesh, which is one of the most beautiful state of India.

The length of this new-found ant is less than 2 mm, and his body looks like a blue gemstone. The name of this new ant is Paraparatrechina neela.

The head of this ant looks like a triangle, and his eyes are very big. It also has five teeth, which make these ants unique.

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As per researchers of the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, when their team passes through the village where they found these new ants, they find a 10-foot-long tree. They find a hole in the tree, so they start research on this hole, and they find glowing ants in the dark night, so in this way the Stunning blue ants discovered in India

Insects like butterflies and moths can be seen easily in the dark, but these bluish ants look amazing in the night.

As per research, there are about 17,000 types of insects in the world, and some of them are blue, which is very rare.

Due to the nanostructure in the insects, they formed a blue color, although it has not been confirmed that this blue color is used for communication between them or not.

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