Liver cancer is increasing due to sugary drinks.

Liver cancer is increasing due to sugary drinks.

We all know how much sugar is harmful to our health, and imagine if we used drinks to which a lot of sugar was added, like cold drinks or soda. Then what will happen to our body?r

According to the latest research, daily consumption of sugary drinks increases the risk of liver cancer. Experts say that whether it’s diet Coke or soda, you should immediately cut them from your diet and use water instead of these sugary drinks.

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These sugary drinks can lead to chronic inflammation and obesity, which might cause cardiovascular disease. Experts also advise you to avoid even tea and coffee; you can use them without sugar.

Researchers from multiple organizations conducted research on 90,504 women who were affected by postmenopausal between the ages of 50 and 70. This research was completed in 19 years.

Researchers wanted to see if those women who use sugary drinks on a regular basis, such as fruit juice, milkshakes, soda, etc., were affected by liver cancer. After the research, the results show that those women who daily use sugary drinks have 73% more chances of liver cancer than compared to those who use these drinks 3–4 times in a month.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, liver cancer is growing rapidly and is the 6th most commonly diagnosed type of cancer. According to data from multiple hospitals in the US, the number of deaths is increasing rapidly due to liver cancer in the US.

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