Limit your screen time to 3 hours it’s beneficial for mental health.

Limit your screen time to 3 hours

A recent study has been done in Denmark, led by Dr. Jesper Schmidt from the University of South Denmark. This research is all about the negative effects on the mental health of those children who spend more time on screens.

To conduct this study, they randomly divided 89 families with 181 children into two groups.

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The first group had to give up their smartphones and tablets for 2 weeks, and the other group was allowed to watch TV and computers only for 3 or less than 3 hours a week.

In a group that was restricted to watching and using computers and TV for 3 hours, the mental health of those kids became better, especially their emotions and ability to communicate with peers in helpful, considerate ways. It’s also noticeable that their way of communicating and their behavior have also improved.

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So limit your screen time to 3 hours it will definitely increase your mental health, and you can spare extra time with your family and friends.

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