How smart was T. rex?

The intelligence of the T. rex dinosaur is a very interesting topic. We often judge the intelligence of any animal by its size, but this is not the right way to judge the intelligence level of someone. 

The largest known T. rex skull measures up to 1.54 meters in length. The shape of its skull is amazing; it was extremely wide at the rear but had a narrow snout. Their eyes works like binoculars.

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In a research, neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Houzel found that the brain of this giant dinosaur was huge, and there were 3.3 billion neurons (nerve cells) found in the front part of the brain of T. rex dinosaurs. But it’s still small compared to modern mammals. This proves that this giant animal was intelligent compared to other dinosaurs, but not more than modern birds and mammals.

This giant dinosaur had a high level of sensitivity, especially the sense of smell; they could smell prey over a long distance.

If we compare them with modern reptiles and birds, then T. rex was not as intelligent as modern birds; it may have had an intelligence level equal to that of modern reptiles.

This giant dinosaur might be more intelligent than other dinosaurs, but it is not as intelligent as modern birds and mammals.

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