Feeling lonely can be harmful

PENNSYLVANIA: As human beings, we all pass through difficult situations, and one of them is loneliness and you know Feeling lonely can be harmful. Whether it’s for a short period or a long it’s not meaningful, but a recent study shows that this loneliness can have negative effects on our body and physical health.
According to media reports, recently published research in “Health Psychology” said that if you are one of those people who are in contact with other people, whether for a long time or a short time and due to some reason, you lose contact with that person, this will directly affect your mental health as well as your physical health.
The study’s lead author and researcher at Penn State University, Mr. Dakota Wetzel, said that after conducting too many experiments and research focusing on whether you are alone or not, it’s not an issue; the real issue is if you spend a few days or even hours in isolation, so this can be harmful and that’s why feeling lonely can be harmful.
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He further said that if we were able to understand the negative effects associated with feelings of loneliness on a daily basis, we could learn how this would badly impact our daily routine and physical health. An American surgeon, Vivek Murthy, called loneliness a public health crisis.
He points out the diseases that are caused by loneliness according to him, there is a 29% risk of heart disease, a 32% risk of stroke, and a 50% risk of dementia in the elderly.