Cycling can reduce the risk of early death by 47%.

Cycling can reduce the risk of early death by 47%.

If you want to live a longer life, stop traveling in a car or bike and start using a bicycle. According to the latest research, Cycling can reduce the risk of early death by 47%.

According to the latest research published in BMJ Public Health by British researchers, those who cycle daily have a 47% lower risk of premature death as compared to those who do not cycle. Cyclists also have a 10% lower risk of being hospitalized for any reason as compared to non-cyclists.

This research also proves that cycling is a very good activity for health because it can kill diseases and reduce the rate of early death.

Read More: Liver cancer is increasing due to sugary drinks.

This research was completed in 18 years, and it was conducted on 82,000 citizens of the UK whose ages ranged from 16 to 74. In this research, they first collect all the data, such as how many vehicles they have. How do they go to work? How much time is spent walking, cycling, etc.?

It was interesting news that most of the pedestrians were women who worked in shifts, went to school, or traveled a short distance. On the other side, most of the cyclists were men.

This research also said that cycling reduces the risk of dying from cancer by 51%, from heart disease by 24%, and from mental health problems by 20%.

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