A live baam fish was removed from a man’s stomach.

It seems impossible news that someone eats baam fish without it being cut or cooked, but as you know, nothing is impossible.
The news from the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, is that a doctor removed a live baam fish from the stomach of an Indian citizen.
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According to media reports, surgeons performed an emergency surgery and removed the baam fish that had entered the stomach of an Indian citizen through the intestine.
This 31-year-old Indian citizen was brought to the emergency room of Viet Duc Hospital. He was complaining of severe abdominal pain. Doctors were amazed and said that we saw many different things in the human body, but this was a special case, we never saw a fish in the human body.
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Doctors further said that initially, we thought the patient was making a joke, but after an X-ray and ultrasound, we were shocked, and it was unbelievably shocking for us that a man had a fish in his stomach.