At Olympics why do athletes chew their gold medals?

Why do athletes chew their gold medals in Olympics?

France is now hosting the Olympics in 2024. This is the world’s biggest sports event ever, held every four years. The first Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. However, have you ever noticed why all athletes bite their medals when they win gold medals?

This is a very common scene when athletes are biting their medals, including Michael Phillips, Usain Bolt, and other athletes.

Gold is a very soft metal, and when we bite it, marks are formed on it. But athletes are not confirming whether it is pure gold or not.

However, the International Olympic Committee has already declared that the medals are not 100% pure gold since 1912. So why are the athletes biting on their medals?

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The answer is very interesting, and the answer is that athletes bite on their medals because photographers want this pose. Yes, there is no rocket science behind this actually, this one is the most favorite pose of photographers when athletes bite on their medals.

During an interview, the president of the International Society of Olympic Historians, David Velchinsky, said that such poses of athletes have become a hobby for photographers.

According to photographers, these poses are eye-catching, and when it is printed on newspapers or the front of magazine covers, it increases the interest of the readers.

A very funny incident happened at the 2010 Winter Olympics when the tooth of a German athlete was broken while capturing this pose.

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