80 thousand-year-old comet is now going to appear in the sky once again.

80 thousand-year-old comet

The comet, which was seen 80 thousand years ago, is now going to appear in the sky once again. According to astronomers, this 80 thousand-year-old comet can be easily seen with the eyes.

No telescope will be required to see this comet. The name of this comet is C/2023 A3 (Suchenshan-Atlas). It was discovered by astronomers last year, and they think that due to its vast orbit, this comet completes its one orbit around the sun in 80,000 years.

Read More: The collision of our Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy has now started.

Dr. Gregory Brown, senior public astronomy officer at the Royal Observatory Grange, said this comet originated in an Oort cloud (a cloud beyond the orbit of Neptune, the eighth planet in the solar system).

In the last month, this comet passed near the sun, and now it’s very near our earth, and this comet can be easily seen with the eyes from 13th October.

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