The only brave bird that heads for hurricanes

Desertas petrel bird

Today we will tell you about a unique, brave, and bold bird who flies towards the hurricanes instead of moving away.

Yes, during the hurricanes, everyone is running away from it to save their lives, and at the same time, a bird named Desertas petrel is flying towards the hurricanes.

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Desertas petrel are native to the North Atlantic Ocean. A study shows that Desert petrels deliberately flies towards hurricanes and flies long distances.

Desertas petrel fly at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. The main reason to fly toward a hurricanes is food. 

The researchers say that in hurricanes, the cold waves rise, and in these cold waves, we found a high level of chlorophyll, which ensures the arrival of small organisms such as phytoplankton to the surface of the water. In this way, Desertas petrel captures these small organisms and eats them.

This is the reason that hurricanes and storms are attractive to this bird. 

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