Worlds shortest flight of 2 minutes

If you have to cover a distance of 2.7 km, which vehicle will you choose: a car, a cycle, or a bike? Whatever you choose, your answer will come from the following three items: But can you believe this On our planet Earth, there is a place where citizens use small airplanes to cover this 2.7-kilometer distance and this is called as Worlds shortest flight of 2 minutes
The flight between the Scottish Isles of Vestry and Papa Vestry holds the Guinness World Record for the shortest scheduled airline service ever, covering 2.7 km in less than 2 minutes this is the reason that it’s called Worlds shortest flight of 2 minutes. There are totally different scenes here in Northern Scotland, where islanders have two options: either go with a ferry ride on water or go with the shortest flight.
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This flight uses the world’s smallest plane, which makes this flight more unique. This plane consists of eight passenger seats and one seat for the pilot. Passengers who take this flight are very lucky because they can witness some stunning views from the plane, such as the magnificent coastal view and breathtaking aerial shots. This journey will take you to the next level and make you feel like you’ve stepped into another world.
This flight was launched in 1967. This flight works on a daily basis and makes 2–3 flights daily.