More light at night cause type 2 diabetes

Adelaide: In research, the scientists found that from 12:30 a.m. to 6 a.m., more light at night cause type 2 diabetes.
According to researchers, light affects sleep patterns, which are important for human health. It also affects the sensitivity of insulin and sugar level in the blood.
A senior researcher, Andrew Phillips from Flinders University Australia, says that light at night can disturb our circadian rhythm (the body’s internal clock), due to which changes might occur in insulin secretion and glucose metabolism.
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He further says that insulin secretion and changes in glucose metabolism affect the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels, due to which there is a chance of type 2 diabetes.
According to the latest research, the scientists collected and analyzed the data of 85,000 people who were not affected by diabetes and are healthy.
All the participants wear the device on their wrists for a week to collect data on light exposure during days and nights. Scientists collect the data of almost1 crore 30 lakhs hours of light sensor.