2 Strange Islands

There are multiple strange places in this world, but today we will take you to 2 strange islands. Yes, 2 strange islands. Why are they strange? They are strange because one is located in Russia and the other is in the USA.
One island is located in Alaska, which belongs to the USA, while the other belongs to Russia. These 2 strange islands are called Big Diomede Island, which belongs to Russia, and Little Diomede Island, which belongs to the US, and the distance between them is just 2 miles.
Read More: Shocking news for a 24-year-old Russian girl.
But amazingly, the time difference between these two islands is 21 hours. Big Diomede is 21 hours ahead of Little Diomede. This is the reason these islands are called Tomorrow Island and Yesterday Island.
The reason behind this massive time difference is the IDL (International Date Line), which passes through the middle of the Pacific Ocean and covers 180 degrees of Earth from north to south, and based on this line, the time is determined all over the world.
The interesting part is that the USA bought Alaska from Russia in 1867, and according to the agreement, these two islands were declared borders between both countries.
The Russian island is completely empty, and sometimes the Russian military visits this island to protect the border. On the other side on US island, there are 83 people living there.