2 amazing galaxies that look like penguin and egg

2 amazing galaxies that look like penguin and egg
Image Credits: Nasa

NASA‘s James Webb telescope is a brilliant invention of modern science and technology. This telescope opens up an entire new universe and provides us with amazing photos. This telescope was sent into space in 2021, and on July 12, the telescope sent us its very first image.

On the 2nd anniversary of the James Webb Telescope, this telescope sent us an image of 2 amazing galaxies that look like penguin and egg. You can clearly see the eye, arms, penguin-like beak, head, tail, and backbone. These two galaxies are known as Arp 142.

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This penguin galaxy is rich in gas and dust. Astronomers estimate that these two galaxies first met 25 to 75 million years ago; since then, their dance has continued, looping around each other.

These two galaxies are 326 million light-years away from Earth. In the past, researchers found that every year, 100 to 200 stars are formed by the merging of these galaxies.

In the image captured by the James Webb telescope, you can clearly see that the penguin galaxy is very big as compared to the egg, but according to the scientists, the size of both galaxies is equal because if one of the galaxies were smaller, these two would have merged by now, but these 2 amazing galaxies that look like penguin and egg are very beautiful.

You can clearly see that in the background of these galaxies, multiple other galaxies are showing.

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