Water equivalent to 140 trillion oceans found floating in space

Scientists have made an unbelievable discovery that’s shocked everyone. According to reports, scientists have found a huge reservoir of water in a very deep space which is equal to 140 trillion oceans of earth. This reservoir is orbiting around a special star called a quasar. This star is 12 billion light-years away from us, and this reservoir has been floating in space since the universe was very small.
This water reservoir is incredibly large and contains more water than all oceans on earth, about 140 trillion oceans. This reservoir is located near a huge black hole that is about 20 billion times larger than our sun.
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According to scientists, a huge black hole in space is surrounded by a quasar called APM 08279+5255, which releases a huge amount of energy equivalent to a thousand trillion suns. Astronomers say that this quasar contains the largest and most distant known reservoir of water in the entire universe.
According to NASA’s scientist Bradford, the special thing about this quasar is that it’s producing a huge amount of water, which points out that water is the common thing since the beginning of the universe.
According to the scientists, this quasar was discovered 50 years ago, but due to the unavailability of powerful telescopes, it looked like a shiny star, but with the latest powerful telescopes, things are getting clear now.