A 100 kg Russian man was safely rescued after spending more than 2 months in the sea.

A Russian man was safely rescued after spending more than 2 months in the sea. A man who had gone to watch whales in the sea of Okhotsk in Russia’s eastern region safely returned after spending more than 2 months in the sea.
According to a Russian news agency, 46-year-old Mikhail Pechugan was found in the rubber boat by the fishing boat crew in the sea, about 1000 KM from the starting point of his whale-watching trip.
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According to the news agency, the brother of Mikhail Pechungan and his 15-year-old nephew’s dead body were also found in the rubber boat. They had gone to watch whales in the deep sea, and they also brought food for 2 weeks with them on this trip.
According to Mikahil’s wife, when he was going on the trip, his weight was 100 kg, and now it’s reduced to half of that after 67 days. I think his weight was also helping to keep him alive. She also said that we don’t know anything; we only know that he is alive, and that’s a miracle.
Mikhail Pechugan has now shifted to the hospital where his treatment is going on, and the doctor said he is recovering quickly.